Developing First-in-Class Therapies for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Battling Triple Negative Breast Cancer is a difficult and painful journey, more so, because there are no effective targeted therapies currently available for its treatment, leaving a gaping void that needs to be addressed with utmost urgency.

We have identified a novel first-in-class drug candidate that directly inhibits our molecular target.

Our Drug Candidate – RDY00120 offers the following benefits:

General Features:

  • Directly targets DNA replication/cell proliferation machinery, hence cancer cells cannot find roundabouts.
  • Targets a novel molecular target, so we are not in the “me too pool.”
  • Will not directly damage the DNA.
  • Receptor independent and hence will be an effective therapy for all sub-types of Triple Negative breast cancer.

In-vitro Data for RDY00120: In Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells

  • Selectively targets only the cancer cells, thereby allowing the adjacent normal cells to repair and re-grow
  • Inhibits cancer cell viability by 95%
  • Causes molecular target protein degradation by 47%, via Ubiquitin-Proteasome pathway.
  • Causes cancer cell death by necroptosis, hence they cannot re-grow.
  • Can be an effective alternate treatment for apoptotic resistant cancer cells.

In-vivo Data for RDY00120: In female mice implanted with Triple Negative Breast Cancer cell xenografts

  • Inhibits Tumor Growth Rate (GRI) by 61%.
  • Complete Regression in one animal
  • No loss in body weight indicating no toxic effects of the drug treatment on animals
  • Fewer molecular target positive nuclei in treated versus untreated TNBC tumors
  • Fewer Ki-67 positive nuclei in treated versus untreated TNBC tumors